
Stress Management Tips

Take control over your stress
In the world we are living in there is no such a thing as life without stress. Financial crisis, economical collapse, recession, traffic jams, tough boss at work, rude people on the street, bills to pay and the list could go on and on. All these things and many more others add on to our daily routine and, by the end of the day, we feel powerless and overwhelmed and we carry a baggage much too heavy for us.

But since we cannot live in a bubble and not be affected by everything that goes on around us, we all need to take control over our stress and manage it the best way possible for the long and happy journey ahead of us.

Stress affects us on several levels (mental, physical and social) and among the most common symptoms we can name exhaustion, migraines, eating disorders, crying for apparently no reason, oversleeping or the lack of sleep. Also the feeling of panic, frustration or lack of interest may accompany the stress.

But first of all, in order to control something you need to be aware of its existence. So the first thing to do is to acknowledge the stress in our lives.

Stress management is based on the idea that we can actually take control over the situations in our lives and turn them into our favor. So stress management is basically taking control over our emotions and thoughts, over our program, over the way we cope with new situations that occur every day.

The main goal is not to let stress take control over us, but to learn how to embrace everything in order to have a balanced life that includes family, friends, work and, why not, some time just for ourselves.

Among the first steps in stress management, after acknowledging the existence of the stress, is identifying its sources. The real sources are not always easy to find, but a sincere introspection can get you there. After you have done that you can start identifying the ways in which you can best manage your stress.

There are many ways of fighting against the effects of stress and of maintaining your mental, physical and emotional health. The following suggestions will help you reduce the stress that you feel on a regular basis. So write them down, post them somewhere where you can see them and follow them as they will lead you towards the new you!

1. Make time for yourself everyday.
Every 2 – 3 hours take a 10 minutes break and do something for you. It can be anything that you like and you know it helps you relax like listening to your favorite song, taking a walk, reading few pages from a great book.

2. Learn how to say “NO” from time to time
You don’t have to feel guilty if you don’t want to or you don’t have time to do something. Saying “NO” from time to time does not turn you into a bad person. It turns you into a mature responsible person who is able to make wise decisions.

3. Manage your time wisely and try to avoid un-necessary tasks that might keep you trapped in routine situations.

4. Stop procrastinating
If you do everything on time things will seem easier and you will get more time for yourself and the ones you care about.

5. Try to be organized
You can save a lot of time if you know exactly where to look for the things you need. Plus this will help you feel more relaxed.

6. Social interaction must become a habit
Interacting with other people can help you relax, put a smile on your face and make you feel you belong. Plus you realize that you are not alone even when things might seem to get off track.

7. Exercise regularly
This will help you feel better about yourself, it will strengthen your immune system and it will give you a great tonus for the whole day.

8. Eat healthy food
If you didn’t have time before for cooking and grocery shopping and you were happy with whatever the restaurant around the corner was serving, now that you have taken control over the stress things have changed. Make sure your meals are healthy. Don’t overlook fruits, fresh vegetables, fish or low fat dairies.

9. Take care of your aspect
There is no secret that when you look good, you feel even better, you have more confidence in you and you feel more energetic.

10. Create and respect a sleeping schedule
Apart from that, when possible, you can also allow yourself a nap in the afternoon. Sometimes it only takes a good sleep to get back on track with fresh strength.

Remember no one is perfect. In this high speed world that we live in we all feel overwhelmed sometimes. But giving up it’s not an option. We need to take control over the situations in our lives that have the potential to ruin our mood. We need to acknowledge the stress, identify its sources, if possible modify the stressful situations by think about them as opportunities to learn new things, accept the things that you cannot change, change the things you can, make time for fun and relaxation and try to embrace a healthy lifestyle, being over weight can be a reason to get stressful and its simple management is to know how to lose weight . I believe that by following the above mentioned stress management tips, you will feel the difference in no time!

Comprehensive Stress Management

In today's post we are looking at the ways how common people like us deal the everyday stress related issues by doing comprehensive stress management.

John, an aggressive young man, a banker by profession & married to Tania for 2-years now is a victim of High-dynamic life style. His life style demands a good growth for his Banking Profession, where he routes stiff necked competition in a relatively slow world Economy. Every other day hearing about Customer Complains of Inflation & Poverty weakening our financial competencies & knowing that the Banking Deposit targets are yet to achieve, with increasing pressure of maintaining a life style he can’t afford to lose on his job.

Knowing the stress mounting on his head, both from home and office, John remains cool! He remains focused and according to his friends!! Lucky! All the time!! John aggression comes from his Fitness & strength, where John established a beautiful base to float himself like a butterfly. He got those charming looks & a beautiful personality.

Looking on his face gives you a beautiful vibes out of his young dynamic personality; all this is because of his Daily Work-out routines. When he was 12, John’s dad bought him his first Squash Racket, where John slowly developed his stretch for the game. Growing watching the Greats of Jahangir Khan & Jehansher Khan, the legendary sportsmen brought his attention & heart to the game. John early in his college life was squashing & was developing his power to use the chunks of stamina on the desired task at hand, slowly taking on the competition & recognizing that squash had not only played in for his Physical Grasp but also excel him to achieve high Mental calculated risks as well.
The tiring job and late-session squashing with Tania, is what brings Joy, privilege & luck to the family.

Tera, a Teacher & a mother of three, had been teaching since last 12-Years. She got a hectic schedule, where she is preparing Course Outlines, Presentations, Extra Curriculum for her Students & also looking after the kitchen at her own. She is living an unbelievable life, where she got all dedicated to give her best to her Elder Son Tom, for his Education & achievements. Tom, started a dull-mind but with Tera`s un-tiring attitude & pushing Tom to bring out the best had yielded Tom 9-As in his O-Levels Examinations.

All this happened cause of Tera stress-management principals, as daily for 1-2 Hours Tera Attended YOGA sessions. Yoga had given Tera the time to re-gather her thoughts for her Role at home, where her role as a mother played a vibrant part of Tom`s academic success. Tera`s dream is to send Tom on a scholarship to one of the IVYs University. Tom`s hoping to give his SATs soon to achieve his Scholarship at YALE UNIVERSITY.

Bruce is a retired civil servant, & at times thanks goodness for his Pensions to pay-off his medicine bills. Bruce is aging and he recognizes his fears to live long & remain a liability to his son Chris and a rude daughter-in-law Betty. The imagination of his kids getting bored to feed him stresses him out.

How a man who independently survived the heat of Sun, now could fells a victim to the chaotic trauma at home! Bruce, started going to parks and had his seat firmed @ kid`s play-area. The playing toddlers had wiped the tears off Old-man eyes and had given him peace with their mischief & naughty play. Those beautiful chirpy laughter and sigh from the pollution at home had brought the Old-Man a new charm to see tomorrow. Where he used to freak out, he slowly wanted to live to see these beautiful faces bringing about the old-childhood memories he had. He had nicked some of the kids after his old friends and at times buy chocolates and toffees to greet the kids. Bruce, also play and coach the young talent & the kids call him ‘Grand Pa’.

Stress is every where in every form; a little we accept its presence. Stress termites our inner instinct and makes us fall a prey to whelm of our Ecological trauma. Stress can seriously be a villain and can deviate our flow of work and can provide difficulties in the schema of our work-prepositions.

But wrongly done, most of the people involve themselves in negative stress management techniques like smoking liquor and other drugs, stress can be easily managed with the right flow of human affection and can be combine resisted in a team effort. All you need to do is to find the right partners who can prove worthy of their presence and can support you to fight a joint cause to eliminate the villain out of you.