
top 5 tips for stress management

Stress Management - Strategy # 1: Avoid unnecessary stress

Avoiding applies only to specific situations in which it can afford to avoid. Eliminate everything you can. For situations that require confrontation, use other (shown below) strategies.

How to avoid unnecessary stress?

* Learn to say "no" - Know your limitations in professional and private life. If someone wants to impose these additional work, which you can not do and it will only stress provided a say "no." Accept only the tasks that you are able to perform and the amount of your stress begin to fall suddenly.

* Stay away from people who only result in you feeling the stress - if anyone still causes stress in your life and nothing you can do with it, try to limit the time spent with that person to a minimum or complete knowledge once and for all.

* Monitor what is happening around (as much as you can) - if the evening news lead in the nerves and anxiety you unplug the TV.

* Take the long, but a quieter way, if it causes traffic jams in you growing nerves.

* Make purchases over the Internet, if you hate wasting time in stores and queues.

* Avoid disturbing themes in the interview. If topics such as politics, religion or any other cause in you a feeling of anger is rising avoid them a wide berth. If you still kłócisz with the same people on these threads do not move them more. If a person starts to induce you to agree to it immediately, even if she was wrong. Say "you're right." Consent means the end of an argument, because what's to argue. If you find it hard to agree with the other person to ask yourself: "I'd rather be right or be happy?"
* Set the exact plan of the day - Think about what you do and what it would be good to do. Focus only on the most important things and what you do at the end or immediately draw a list of tasks.

Stress Management - Strategy # 2: Modify the situation

Try to change the situation, if you can not avoid it. Think about what you can do now to never again deal with the problem. Often this will require changes in the way you act and communicate every day.

* Express your feelings rather than hide it in yourself. If anyone still bother you or is causing the nerves write your anxiety in an open and respectful manner. This is one of the ways to avert difficult situations once and for all. When not to do his feelings probably will not change the situation and will cause more unrest than saying the same about her.

* Be willing to compromise. If you want someone to change their approach or willing to do the same. If both agree, even on a slight change there is a good chance that you will find a thread of understanding the problems will be averted.

* Be confident. Believe that you can change the environment around them. "I do not przesiedź his life in the backseat of the car. Sit for the rudders, predict the route that you drive, choose your own path. "

* Manage your time accordingly. Poor planning of the day can cause many stress. Decide what is really important to you and designate the route to

achieve what you want.

Stress Management - Strategy # 3: Adaptation

Change yourself if you can not change the stressor. You can adapt to stressful situations and regain a sense of control by changing the attitudes and expectations.

* Change the form of problems. Try to look at the stressful situation from a positive perspective. Rather than get upset by the fact that you are stuck in traffic, look at this as an opportunity to listen to your favorite radio station. Perhaps it is not possible to avoid difficulties on the road, but you can avoid negative states, which arise in the head.

* Look at the problem of perspective. Get a closer look a stressful situation. Ask yourself: "how important is this event in the long term, if this situation could have really negative consequences, or will it somehow could" twist "? What this event will have significance for the month, a year for 5 years? Is it worth the nerves? If it turns out that it is not worth the time and energy to focus on something else.

* Modify your standards. When stressing probably trying to do everything to perfection. Perfectionism, however, requires a great deal of energy and often the more you try the harder it is to perform the task. Set reasonable standards for yourself and act on the basis not. Determine what the result will satisfy you. Being a perfectionist does not usually make much sense. Measure the satisfaction of not only reduce the amount of stress in your life, but also improve productivity.

* Focus on the positives. When you feel that stress begins to "pull you down" to allow yourself to unwind and focus on the things for which you're grateful in your life and that you appreciate. This simple strategy will allow you to keep a new perspective to the problems and

Note that not everything is so tough and bad.

* Pay attention to your approach. Eliminate words like "always," "never," "should" and "I". These are words that restrict you and undermine your thinking free from nerves. These words have a profound impact on your emotional and physical well-being. Whenever I admit to my head and accept negative thoughts by your body begins to react in a tight manner. When you admit to yourself positive thoughts, especially about himself when you start to feel good in your body. Note the difference between "I" and "want." I never really have ...

Stress Management - Strategy # 4: Accept the things you can not change
Some stressors are inevitable. Some things can not be stopped and can not be changed. Sometimes it really hurts, but ultimately they can only accept. It's things like serious illness of a loved one or yourself, the death of the person you love, political changes, wars, natural disasters. In such situations, does not remain too much as to come to terms with what happened. It is situations in which consent is the best way to deal with stress.

Acceptance can sometimes come hard but in the long term it is the only solution and turns out to be much more valuable than constantly fighting with what happened long ago and what will not change anything.

* Try not to try to change things around. Your review is applicable to you (your mind and body) and not the environment around. Control yourself, not others - for example, the policy will not change under the influence of your stress. Rather than fuss and stress behavior of different people focus on what you can control, that is how you respond to the problem and adversity.

* Look to the positive side whereas the known motto: "What does not kill us, it will strengthen us." When on the road, there are new challenges (wrongly called difficulties) do not pirate as opportunities for personal development and growth.

* If your wrong decisions contributed to a stressful situation, reflect on them and learn from their mistakes.

* Share your feelings with others. Make an appointment with a therapist, a coach (life coach), or talk to a trusted friend. The mere talk about their difficulties can be very cleansing of negative emotions, even if the stress of the situation, nothing can be done.

* Learn to forgive and forget. Believe that we live in an imperfect world, and people make mistakes. Let go of anger, injury, anger. Free yourself from negative energy

through forgiveness and go on his own way.

Stress Management - Strategy # 5: Plan a little time for fun and relaxation

Positive attitude and a bit of time just for themselves, will discharge the accumulated stress and to better prepare for stressful situations that have or what or are inevitable.

Here are some ways to relax and "recharge your batteries":

  • Out for a walk
  • Spending time in nature
  • Exercise (especially outdoor)
  • Writing journal
  • A long relaxing bath
  • Scented candles
  • A cup of coffee or tea at your favorite cafe
  • Playing with dog
  • Working in the garden
  • Massage
  • Good book
  • Favorite Music
  • Watching comedy

Do not get caught up in the pursuit of everyday life, who does not know its purpose. Pay attention to your needs and relax. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it is a must!

* Establish a time for relaxation. Let them find it in your schedule. Do not let the time to relax daily routines disrupted. That is your time, which breaks away from the responsibilities and "load your batteries"

* Keep in close contact with other people. Spend time with optimistic people. Negative emotions are overcome by a strong group of people who support and encourage you to act - people who believe in you.

* Do something you enjoy every day. Whether it will be looking at the stars, playing the piano, working on the bike. Set a time during the day doing what brings you joy.

* Keep a sense of humor. Laugh, even from himself. The behavior of the distance to the daily difficulties and laughter will help to combat stress in many situations.